Testing Service

Epimune offers a Testing Service using its proprietary epigenetic immune cell quantification technology to doctors and researchers in healthcare organizations*.


Choose from a list of currently 22 available epigenetic immune cell quantification assays to determine relative (% leukocytes) or absolute (cells/µl)** immune cell counts in dried blood spot (DBS), (frozen) liquid whole blood or isolated DNA samples. 

Immune Cell Quantification Assays

Please send us the completed Inquiry Form (below) and we will get back to you, shortly.

Research Testing Inquiry Form
MKT 013_v00_Research Testing Inquiry For
Adobe Acrobat Document 502.0 KB


Thank You!

*Testing Service is available to healthcare and research professionals and is for research purposes, only. No diagnostic or therapeutic decision must be made based on the test results. This service is not available to support industry-sponsored clinical trials.

**Absolute cell counts available in fresh or frozen whole blood samples, only.